Hans-Peter Hornbostel
I was born on 3th of April 1954. 1983 I discovered my favour for photography starting with a Revue AC3 and a couple of lenses. My main interest had been travel, nature and night photographies. I lost focus in the 90’s as the children grew up and we were more filming than taking photos. Just in the beginning of digital photos in 1996 I was proud havin a Panasonic with 0,8 Megapixel. Not good enough to satisfy my requests. After several attemps I made a first step with a Canon 550D, later 7D and now with Canon R5. I cannot say, that I have a main focus; nature, travel, night (blue hour), landscapes, street or special themes like lost places, world heritage UNESCO and some more which round up my all-day-life.
Of course I’m using Photoshop. The main intent is, to produce photos out of the cam. We’re knowing, that every camera has ist own internal software. Therefor I’m developing photos with RAW and probably some final corrections like brightness. I try to avoid editing the photos – perhaps 5% will be manipulated in a restricted way. I will not do composings. My motto is: Photography, no painting.