Suresh Meenakshisundaram
Suresh Meenakshisundaram QPSA, RISF3, GPUCR2, cMOL,
Suresh Meenakshisundaram is a Chemical engineer by qualification and profession. He is from India and presently based in Oman.
He had passion and an eye for photography from his childhood and is a self-taught photographer. He is interested in all genres of photography and very avid to shoot in Nature and Travel genre.
He is participating in worldwide photographic competitions (Exhibitions/Salons) since September 2017, through digital photos under the patronage of Federation De Photographic Art, Brussels (FIAP), Photographic Society of America, USA (PSA), Image Sans Frontiere, France (ISF), Image Colleague Society, USA (ICS), Global Photographic Union, Italy (GPU), Master of Light, Canada (MOL) apart from other photographic associations in many countries earning Honorary mentions,medals, diploma and many acceptances.
He has contributed articles and photographs to magazines like Alive, Asian Photography in India, Times of Oman and travel annuals like Destination Oman.
He likes to be amidst nature. Nature has taught him to be patient, to expect the unexpected and accept the disappointments. Photography for him gives a chance to compete within oneself and realize, achieve one’s potential.
Photographic distinctions and Achievements:
- Awarded distinction QPSA(Qualified) by Photographic Society of America, USA (PSA) in December 2018.
- Award of Merit -Nature Division Star 3 Exhibitor by Photographic Society of America, USA (PSA) in April 2019.
- Award of Merit -Travel Division Star 3 Exhibitor by Photographic Society of America, USA (PSA) in June 2019.
- Awarded distinction RISF3 (Reconnaissance-ISF3) by Image Sans Frontier(ISF), France in July, 2020
- Successfully completed the Image Analysis course in August 2020 by Photographic Society of America,(PSA)
- Awarded distinction Crown 2 -GPUCR2 by Global Photographic Union, (GPU), Italy in April 2021.
- Awarded distinction cMOL (Competitive MOL) by Master of Light Photographic Association in June 2021.