A G Gangadhar


From childhood his immense love for Nature, Scenic beauty, colourful flowers and butterflies took him to the world of Photography. He used to take photographs with the help of Aim & Shoot camera from his school days whenever he went to picnic or excursion trips with friends. This  hobby gradually become his passion.


 A G Gangadhar is Life member of Youth Photographic Society, Bengaluru, India. He is also a member of ‘Federation of Indian Photography (FIP) and  Federation Internationale De L’Art Photographique,(FIAP) France.

He holds the distinctions of  FRPS, EFIAP, EFIP, Hon.MFIP(Nature), Hon.FBCA, Hon.G.APS


He has achieved the FRPSFellowship of the Royal Photographic Society, Great Britain, London on the merits of a panel of Twenty(20) wildlife photographs in Natural History Category 2013 assessed by a panel of highly qualified Fellows of the society. This is in continuation of his ARPS – Associateship of Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, London won during September 2011 for Natural History category-2011.


He was one of the member of Indian Team who had represented in 16th FIAP Nature Biennial Photography World Cup held at Norway in which India won Gold Medal  both in Prints and Projected Images Category in the year 2012. (FIAP-Federation of International Art Photographic, the world body having more than 120 countries as member affiliated to UNESCO).  


In the year 2014 also he was one of the member of Indian Team who had represented in 17th FIAP Nature Biennial Photography World Cup held at Bengaluru in which India won Gold Medal   in Prints and Bronze Medal in Projected Images Category.


With immense zeal for photography from an early age, he now spends most of his free time to capture the exciting behavioral moments of fascinating wild life as they unfold in their natural habitat. To his credit, he has achieved many International medals, Awards and Certificate of Merit in various national and international salons. More than 1200 of his photographs were chosen for exhibitions around the world.


He has participated in worldwide photographic exhibitions, affiliated with PSA, FIAP, MoL and FIP. His works are highly acclaimed and have won recognition in the form of Acceptances, Awards and exhibitions in various shows across cities which includes 40 different Countries International Salons in Competitions apart from India are England, Taipei, Taiwan, Slovenia, USA, Greece, Serbia, Zurich, Romania, Singapore, Denmark, Turkey, Macedonia, Crotia, Kazakhstan, Brazil, Belgium, Russia, France, Italy, Argentina, Bulgaria, Finland, Chaina, Albania, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia, Cyprus, Georgia, Kenya, Lisbavo, Motenegro, Ukraine, New York, Czech Republic, Sharjah, Bhutan, Banja Luka, Turkmenistan.

He would like to spend most of his time to do specialized work in Macro Photography field by shooting Butterflies, Insects, Flowers- Orchids etc., which is very challenging also.